

Boezjeer is a fun game designed to make exercise enjoyable and exciting.


Third bachelor, 2021-2022

School project

Bachelor's project

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A person benefits both physically and mentally from even minimal, consistent effort. Unfortunately, sufficient exercise seems to be a problem for a lot of people. Besides the fact that we live more and more sedentary, the current diet culture cultivates a distorted relationship with exercise. Boezjeer is a game that aims to link exercise to feelings of excitement and relaxation over those of losing weight and discomfort.

The game consists of five glowing elements that are placed randomly in the room. At the start of the game, each player is assigned a color. When a button lights up in your color, the intention is to push it as soon as possible. The fun of the game is in the competitiveness, banality and variety of the game. Because only the buttons are required, you can vary the location, the number of players, accessibility of the buttons, et cetera. In short, lots of fun!